‘MOTHER’ in Telugu we call as "AMMA" How! Sweet the word is. How wonderful it is. We have already heard the words

"Mathru Devobhava"

"Pithru Devobhava"

"Aacharya Devobhava"

Mother is given the first importance. A mother sacrifices everything for the sake of her children and her family members. She sacrifices even her life. She bears all pains & give happiness to her children. A best example for this is

There is a young boy named Raghu. His mother loved, cared him very much. Suddenly, the boy fell in love with a young lady named Marry. Marry agreed to marry Raghu only if Raghu brings the heart of his Mother. Raghu went to his mother crying and told her the story. His mother told, don’t be in sorrow. I will give my heart (die). Then you can give it to Marry. As told Raghu took the heart and was running to give it to Marry. Suddenly he fell down. He found the heart of his mother was crying. She was crying because, her son had fallen and got wound on his leg. Raghu felt very much sad and realized his mistake.

There is also saying that As God cannot be presene everywhere, he created Mother to everyone. Mother stands for

M - Memorable gift to everyone
O - Organiser of this beautiful society
T - Teaches to her child
H - Honourable gift given by God
E - Energetic & everything can be done by her.
R - Responsible person in the world.

But, now a days the most sad thing is that some women are throwing their little children in dustbin. My sincere request is if they have any problems, they can give their child in orphan homes.

S. Ramya (I-ECE)

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