Dr.R.Jayachandra Reddy,
Secretary & Correspondent,
Sarada Educational Society.

World wide tobacco use kills 4 million people annually. Most of the worlds smokers live in developing countries. By 2030 tobacco use kill 10 million people every year with 70% of these deaths in developing countries. Young people aged between 10 – 24 are the targets.

Form of tobacco use using
Tobacco chewing (Gutkha)
Smoking beedies
Pipe smoking

Smoking is of two types.
1. Active smoking – the person who smokes
2. Passive smoking – the smoke that is let out is inhaled by other person, who are present there is called passive smoking. Both types of smoking is dangerous.
Tobacco chewing and Gutkha eating affects the mouth, tongue, gums, cheeks and palette leading to the development of Cancer. The habit of smoking cigars in some areas keeping the burnt end inside the mouth leads to development of cancer palette, tongue, cheek and gums. Smoking affects the lungs leading to development of Cancer. More number of smokers develop Cancer lung than non-smokers. Smoking affect Cardio-vascular system leading to development of Heart Attacks and deaths – affects the blood vessels of limbs causing block which leads to gangrene of the limb (Death of the limbs). Smoking affects the vessels supplying blood to brain and other important organs in the body leading to paralysis of the limbs

Treatment of Cancer
Prevention is better than cure.
Early diagnosis of treatment is better and results in curing more number of cases.
Cancer cure is measured in terms of 5 years cure, 10 years cure and more than 10 years cure.

Cancer treatment is available in three forms.
1. Surgery alone
2. Surgery and Chemotherapy
3. Surgery, Radio therapy and Chemotherapy
4. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy
5. Radiotherapy alone
6. Chemotherapy alone

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